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Showing posts from 2016


She is a star in the beautiful sky, Shining in a blackest night.. Hoping for a sun for her to rise, Ending her sorrow in its light.. Her love is like water in the ocean, Swallowing every hatred within the deep.. Still damaged like a shattered glass, Afraid to love but ready to take a leap.. Her beauty is limitless that she always deny, And a heart of gold in her is what you may find.. she loves to smile in  a brightest manner, But afraid to laugh is of what she is kind.. You may fall in love with her as you see her eyes, That's the mesmerising moment that you cant deny.. as you will fall deep for her, Your only goal will be not to make her cry.. VB

Little Soldier

Leaves from the vines Falling so slow Memories of your life  Fading as we grow old As the days passes by Life moves on with your soul's silver line Stars vanishing in the sky Calling you home to forever shine They may know your name But not your story They may see your smile But not your pain They may see your scar But not the path's lane There's your voice melody Echoing in whispering dome Calling you soldier To come home Oh little Soldier Come marching home Oh little Soldier Come marching home